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An Open Love Letter to Love

July 28, 2021

Dear Love,

I have admired you from a distance for what seems like my entire life and still you remain elusive.

The moments when I've thought I've captured you in the glimmer of a partner's eyes when he looks back at me, or when he wraps me in the warmest embrace, I think I've finally captured you. But Love, I know you were not meant to be confined or defined in such simple ways as these.

Still, I think of you often when a true moment of love passes whether in a movie on the screen, in the passage of a book or I witness you there in broad daylight in a couple's unconditional admiration for one another. And the longing cracks my plaster of paris patchwork heart.

Somedays, I find you in my heart already, beating steady and keeping me grounded. I am full of you, almost in fear of spilling over and all I want to do is share you with the world and someone special. I'm often amazed how my small human frame can contain your enormity.

Love, I yourn for the day I get to look you in the eyes and marvel at what I will see in them. Will I finally rest easy then, content, safe, assured that you are mine? Will you be enough to fill the spaces and the cracks of my weary, time-weathered heart and stop this river of tears I have poured out for you all these years? 

Love, I am bound to you. I can't shake you even if I tried. You are what I know and all that I desire. As that famous and foreboding line from that movie said, "I can't quit you." You consume me like a fire. I just wish I could keep you around a little while longer so I could really get to know you better. But you are Master to no one and it's no secret that you are not mine for keeps. You are not in my cards. It's not our destiny..