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Diffusing The Funk-Hula Dancercise

August 30, 2020

Shelter-in-place has us resorting to some creative pursuits. As awful as 2020 is turning out to be, I'm beginning to think it's the Universe's way of telling all of us we were in need of some down time, self reflection and getting back to the things that matter.

I've seen a lot of articles circulating giving people permission to feel the funk that has built up from these last few months of the normal changes in our routines. We miss our past lives when we could freely come and go, hugs our friends and family and do things like travel. It's been extremely difficult for a lot of people to go through this time, and it's no surprise we're all starting to feel a bit "crunchy" as one chef I worked for used to say when he was feeling a bit frazzled around the edges.

I was talking to a friend of mine who was going through some of this recently and I suggested she find a way to "diffuse the funk." I have recently taken up a new hobby after being inspired by both my love of dance and my need to keep sane and not take myself too seriously. I saw this video about a month ago and instantly knew I had to buy a hula hoop and start teaching myself how to do this. Two weeks later, I'm loving it! Who knew at 46 I could find something so simple and feel like such a goofy kid in the process.

So I encourage you all to use this period to find a new hobby or pastime that will help you "diffuse the funk" and get you out of your head for a little while. There's no telling when this "new normal" will stabilize so why not fill the time with pockets of self-induced joy when we can. Take it from someone who never thought she'd she the light at the end of the gloomy tunnel of depression; it does eventually get better.