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The Sting is the Hardest Part

November 13, 2020

The rest is just release.

There is always a gamble in speaking your truth, unveiling your soul to another, laying your most tender underbelly of vulnerability in the spotlight for everyone to see. Even when you do it out of sheer love and respect, you never truly can be guaranteed how it will be received. You hope it lands the way you intended, with the utmost kindness of heart, but we are not all made the same so sometimes the reactions can leave you blindsided, as I'm sure they seem to the receiving end. Oh how I wish we all felt safe revealing our true selves, our insecurities, and our fears. But this is not the way the world works. I'm older now. I should know this. I guess I still always have a little hope that at the end of the day, kindness will persevere and win. But as I have experienced today, sadly, this is not always the end game. And when that happens it stings like hell. It stings like a burn to the skin. It stings so red and hot that you can only stand in it and let it pulse through you, tight and heavy until it passes. It is one of the rawest and truest emotions we can experience. And yet, it is only that, an emotion. After a few cycles of breath the shadows of the sting start to dissipate and you can choose to go back to where you started from or take a step forward, into the light, and remind yourself of who you are. Those who see your light will understand you and treat you with the respect you deserve. Those who are still battling their own demons may never rise to the challenge and meet you half way. The balm is in the release, the knowing that there is no shame and should be no embarrassment attached to the truth you have so courageously spoken. It's your truth and your heart deserves to sing it.