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Yoga With Adriene

January 13, 2020

There is something to be said for taking care of our entire selves, body, mind and spirit. Just because we can't see what's ailing on the inside, doesn't mean we should ignore it. I've practiced yoga off and on over the years as a way to quiet my mind, get a good stretch and remind myself how strong I am both mentally and physically. If you haven't done yoga before, trying something in the privacy of your own home is a great way to start and one of my favorite instructors is Adriene Mischler of Yoga with Adriene. Plus, all of her videos are FREE! Maybe you can't afford classes at the gym right now or you're not able to leave your home because you're someone's caregiver. All the more reason to find something that can work with where you are at right now, today. Make yourself the priority for 30 minutes. It will add years to your life, I promise.

Adriene is an Austin, Texas native but has a reach of millions through her YouTube channel. There's a reason many people come to yoga. It's symbolic, it forces us to slow down, it reminds us to breathe. Are you holding your breath right now? Breathe. Stress, anxiety, depression, fear can really jumble us inside. Bring your weary soul to the mat, tune out everything else, cry a little even if you want. Go at your own pace. Yoga is like a good friend who accepts you as you are. We could all use of few more of those kinds of people in our lives, right?